This blog post is about all the revisions I have made to my Twitterive project thus far.  

   In all honestly, I am constantly revising my twitterive. I started my twitterive in a notebook where I wrote down all my different ideas for the project. Then I took those ideas and slowly started creating the project. I have been adding and deleting different material for weeks now. The hardest part of the project for me is finding different genres to include in the twitterive. Today I have been revising the entire project. I added more quotes, a voice over, and a love letter and prayer to my daughter. I am hoping to have the entire twitterive published on my site by the end of the day. I am sure I will continue to revise the twitterive even more so before presenting in class tomorrow night. 
   After last weeks twitterive workshop I got a lot of good feedback and some good ideas about genres to add to my twitterive. I feel like my twitterive is really coming along nicely but I know that I will be making revisions up until the end of the semester.