Pagnucci uses personal narratives to shape his stories. His stories are rich in detail and narratives. In the beginning narrative the setting is grounded and we can sense the author as a little boy at a fair buying a comic book. Later in the narrative we learn how the comic books led to a successful life in the literary world. Pagnucci's narratives are personal so the reader can picture his stories, and he explains that it is important to pause and remember your childhood stories because they can make the best stories. Pagnucci's narrative approach helps readers feel a connection to the stories. 
     Ondaatje uses a more old fashioned approach in his writing. The story is loaded with poetry and imagery. The imagery is included so the reader can get a sense of the story he is trying to portray.  Poetry and white space are added to shape the story. I personally prefer Pagnucci's style of writing, but I can see how many readers would be captivated by Ondaatje's style of writing.