This blog post is all about my Twitterive assignment for my writing, research and technology class. Twitterive is an assignment about tweets I have shared on Twitter. I decided to write my twitterive on the birth of my youngest child, my daughter. My daughter was born almost two months early and spent the first month of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This was the most difficult time of my life. I truly believe there is nothing harder in life then watching your child struggle, or in pain. During this month, I kept a journal, it was the best way I knew how to deal with my feelings. I decided to share my thoughts (from my journal) during this time in my tweets. I hope you enjoy my twitterive and maybe it could give you some insight into the life of a NICU mom.

     TWITTERIVE PROLOGUE: My inspiration for this project is my daughter. She is the strongest person I know, and she is my little miracle. My daughter was born at 32 weeks gestation (approximately 2 months early) and struggled every day to get bigger and stronger. I wanted to share my feelings during our long 4 week and 1 day stay in the NICU. Below are the tweets that I have shared with everyone on Twitter so far about the experience: 

"We celebrated each little burp and every wee sneeze." #twitterive #wrt1c
A mere three pounds and you were stronger then me. #twitterive #wrt1c
You are my miracle. #twitterive #wrt1cI
I can still hear the sound of the alarms in my dreams. #twitterive#wrt1c
My heart ached for four long weeks and one day. #twitterive

     My twitterive setting will be the NICU. I want readers to feel like they are going through the experience with me. I will post pictures and give readers a sense of the roller coaster range of emotions a parent experiences when their newborn is in the NICU. My theme will also be based on the emotions parents experience: joy, fear, elation, sadness, hope. My repetend will be on the size of my daughter. Through the ups and downs I will return to the fact that even though my daughter appeared tiny and fragile, in fact she was the opposite, she was strong, a fighter.